Monday, June 30, 2014

A Fat Bird Looking For Love - Up in the Sky Video Ryview

Up in the Sky, by Szyadam.

Watch the video here:

Read the review below:

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Steam Summer Sale - LAST DAY - Sunday 6/29/14

Hi Everybody!

The Steam Summer Sale ends tomorrow around 11 AM (depending on your timezone)!

So it's your last chance to pick up games for insane percentages off!

Here are a few highlights from the last round of sales (several of which were are deals I've highlighted from previous days):

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Steam and GOG Summer Sales - Ryviews Daily Update - Wednesday 6/25/14

Hi Everybody!

Here are the highlights from today's Steam Sale:

Bioshock: Infinite is down to $7.49 (75% off)

This is a tremendous game. I still like the first Bioshock better, but since they have almost nothing to do with each other, this is a fine game to jump into for newcomers and fans of the series alike. It features a bright, vibrant world and a companion that actually assists you in combat. It's a fun action/adventure shooter and it's well worth this price, if you're interested in the game even remotely.

Child of Light is only $11.24 (25% off)

This is a game that I've seen videos of but I've never played. It's a gorgeous game, and while this discount isn't great, it's still fairly new and it's still a pretty good price.If you're into indie RPGs, you should pick this up and enjoy the $3 you saved.

Kerbal Space Program is $16.19 (40% off)

I've never played this one either, but this has gotten tremendous buzz, particularly around it's realistic and very interesting physics. It's still technically in early access, but given the wide range of directions in which you can take this game, I think this may have a bit of a minecraft vibe. Never really finished, constantly updating, mesmerizing people with its simplicity and sheer addictiveness (It's a word if I say it's a word).

Here are the highlights for today's GOG sale:

GOG has 2 daily bundles: The Broken Sword Classics (80% off) and The Spiderweb RPG Collection (85% off). I've never played any of these games, but each bundle has several games and they're both under 10 dollars, so I'd say you should read the description and see if they sound like your kind of games. You probably can't beat this price.

They also have "flash sales" that only last a few hours, so you'll want to check back frequently for those. Right now, the one that's piquing my interest is the Red Baron Pack (80% off). That's a fun WWI plane simulator that I've heard pretty good things about. I recently acquired a joystick so I'm think I may need to add this to my collection.

Check back tomorrow for my usual Thursday Weekly Deals Roundup!

Until next time,


Charlie Murder - Xbox Arcade Freebie Ryview

Charlie Murder, by Ska Studios.

Charlie Murder is currently free until June 30th, 2014 as part of Xbox Live Games With Gold.

Recommendation: If you pick it up while it's free, obviously you should try it out to see if you like it. And since it's a true arcade title, it doesn't take up much hard drive space and it's quick to install. But I really don't see many promising perks in this game. I think you should try it for about an hour, and if you don't like it, turn around and don't look back.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Steam Sale - Ryviews Daily Update - Tuesday, 6/24/14

Hi Everybody!

The Steam sale is currently going on until June 30th!

However, they had daily deals that change every 24 hours. So I figured I'd give a quick rundown of what I think are the most notable deals:

Call of Duty: Ghosts is 50% off (now $29.99).

This is still a pretty new title, so finding it under $30 is a pretty sweet deal. It's still quite a lot, but if you'd been waiting for a good time to buy it on the PC, you probably won't get a better deal for quite awhile.

Fallout: New Vegas is 66% off (now $6.79).

This version of the game includes several level packs, so honestly this is a whole lot of content for under $7. If you're an RPG fan, this is probably a great deal to snatch up. It's a big title and it could probably keep you entertaining far longer than most other ways of spending less than ten dollars.

Murdered: Soul Suspect is 33% off (now $33.49).

This game came out on June 3rd. Seeing a new game already taking a huge price cut is pretty nice. It doesn't seem to have particularly high reviews, but the concept of being a ghost tracking down your own killer is definitely intriguing. If you like PC gaming and you're a fan of the stealth genre, this is a great way to keep up with a very new title while not entirely breaking the bank.

Check back tomorrow for my take on other game sales!

Until next time,


Splitscreen Multiplayer - Ryviews Special Ryport

I recently wrote an article about multiplayer etiquette online, but now I wanted to focus on the splitscreen experience, both local and online.

I would probably still be playing this if it had splitscreen.

It seems to me that these days most "Triple A" shy away from offering splitscreen multiplayer. Even online cooperative games like Mass Effect 3 did not provide any way of sharing the console. Being someone who happily plays video games with my significant other on a regular basis, I feel like that market is much smaller than it should be. I love big, grandiose video games, but for the most part if the game doesn't offer local splitscreen then I have precious little time to play it.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Ryviews Deal Alert - Titanfall on Origin Game Time

Hi Everybody!

Titanfall is currently free for the weekend as part of Origin Game Time.

So if you're a PC gamer and you want to check out Titanfall for the lovely price of $0, check it out!

Until next time,


Image courtesy of wikipedia

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Bleep Bloop - Achievement Hunting - Ryviews Special Ryport

I've never been a gamer who is obsessed with getting achievements. In fact, until very recently I completed ignored them on the Xbox 360. I went through a phase where I was dedicated to getting them on Kongregate, but that was usually geared towards the special achievements that gave actual rewards, such as Gamestop Powerup points.

So what's the appeal of Achievements?

Monday, June 16, 2014

Plumber High On Mushrooms Stages Intricate Race Fantasy - Mario Kart 8 Wii U Ryview

Mario Kart 8, by Nintendo.

My Recommendation: This may not be worth buying a Wii U for, but it's damn close. And if you already own a Wii U, you should buy this game right away.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

E3 2014 Roundup - The Games I'm Excited About

Now that E3 has drawn to a close, I'd like to take a moment to discuss the games that I'm most excited about:


Thursday, June 12, 2014

Ryviews Deal Roundup - June 12th, 2014

Hi Everybody!

Here are the deals for June 12th, 2014:

Undead on Undead Action - Dark Souls Freebie Ryview

Dark Souls, by From Software.

Dark Souls is currently free on Xbox 360 Live Games with Gold until June 15th, 2014.

My recommendation: Unless you're a dedicated RPG fan and you're damn good at them, this isn't worth the space on your console.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Die, you F***ing NEWB!!11!1 - Multiplayer Etiquette - Ryviews Special Ryport

As far as I can tell, Xbox Live doesn't have any officially published etiquette rules. And after a bit of internet searching, I've found there is some common ground, but for the most part it's a completely ungoverned frontier. In the era of disappearing net neutrality and an ever-growing trend towards constant connectivity, I can certainly see a case for why there shouldn't be any hard rules.

But does the gaming suffer one way or the other?

Friday, June 6, 2014

Liquid Measure Crystal Water Pack --- Video Ryview

Liquid Measure Crystal Water Pack, by Smart Code Games.

Watch the video here:

Or read the transcript here:

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Dungeon Siege --- Nostalgic Ryview

In my Nostalgic Ryview series, I'll be looking back at games I loved when I was growing up to see if they hold up today.

My first Nostalic Ryview is Dungeon Siege, by Gas Powered Games.

Currently $6.99 on Steam.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The Trouble with Movie Video Games and Video Game Movies --- Ryviews Special Ryport

Why are movies based on video games always doomed to fail? And why are video games based on movies frequently so terrible?

I contemplated just showing that poster and leaving it at that, but I figured I should elaborate.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Battlefield 3 --- Freebie PC Ryview

In my Freebie series of Ryviews, I will be reviewing games that have gone free somewhere. And as I mentioned in my latest Deal Roundup, Battlefield 3 is free on Origin, but only until June 3rd, 2014, so act now!

Here's my ryview:

Battlefield 3, by DICE.

Recommendation: The price is right, but I'd say you should only pick it up if you're a serious FPS fan.