Hi Everybody!
Here are the highlights from today's Steam Sale:
Bioshock: Infinite is down to $7.49 (75% off)
This is a tremendous game. I still like the first Bioshock better, but since they have almost nothing to do with each other, this is a fine game to jump into for newcomers and fans of the series alike. It features a bright, vibrant world and a companion that actually assists you in combat. It's a fun action/adventure shooter and it's well worth this price, if you're interested in the game even remotely.
Child of Light is only $11.24 (25% off)
This is a game that I've seen videos of but I've never played. It's a gorgeous game, and while this discount isn't great, it's still fairly new and it's still a pretty good price.If you're into indie RPGs, you should pick this up and enjoy the $3 you saved.
Kerbal Space Program is $16.19 (40% off)
I've never played this one either, but this has gotten tremendous buzz, particularly around it's realistic and very interesting physics. It's still technically in early access, but given the wide range of directions in which you can take this game, I think this may have a bit of a minecraft vibe. Never really finished, constantly updating, mesmerizing people with its simplicity and sheer addictiveness (It's a word if I say it's a word).
Here are the highlights for today's GOG sale:
GOG has 2 daily bundles: The Broken Sword Classics (80% off) and The Spiderweb RPG Collection (85% off). I've never played any of these games, but each bundle has several games and they're both under 10 dollars, so I'd say you should read the description and see if they sound like your kind of games. You probably can't beat this price.
They also have "flash sales" that only last a few hours, so you'll want to check back frequently for those. Right now, the one that's piquing my interest is the Red Baron Pack (80% off). That's a fun WWI plane simulator that I've heard pretty good things about. I recently acquired a joystick so I'm think I may need to add this to my collection.
Check back tomorrow for my usual Thursday Weekly Deals Roundup!
Until next time,