Friday, August 29, 2014

Idle Gaming For The Self-Made Man - AdVenture Capitalist Video RyPlay

AdVenture Capitalist, by HyperHippoGames.

Watch the video here:

Let me know what you think of AdVenture Capitalist!

Until next time,


Tuesday, August 26, 2014

It's The Same, But Shinier - HD Remakes Ryviews Ryport

Hi Everybody!

In the era of "too many pixels to count" and all that, we seem to be afloat in a sea of HD remakes of old games. That's not really a new idea, because classic movies have been remade since the invention of the word "profit" (and, you know, the invention of the movie), but it seems like we're getting an unusually large amount of them lately.

It's the same, but this time you're paying money to play it again.

Is that a problem? Probably not. But is it bad for trying to get people to play new games? Maybe.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Why Are Rabbits Suddenly The Symbol For Australia - Demons Down Under Video Ryview

Demons Down Under, by Epace Games.

Watch the video here:

Or skip straight to the scorecard:

Time Value
Money Value
Final Score

Let me know what you think of Demons Down Under!

Until next time,


Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The Birds Sure Have A Lot Of Hobbies - Angry Birds Go iOS Ryview

Angry Birds Go, by Rovio Entertainment.

My recommendation: It's a quality game, and it's free, but like Angry Birds Epic, the freemium and energy sides of the game may get on your nerves if you want to play it a lot.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Xbox One Late To The Party Ryview

Hi Everybody!

Today I'm doing a bit of a non-standard ryview, and it's because I just finally bought an Xbox One!

And there was much rejoicing

So here are my thoughts on the new console:

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Using OCD to Combat The Blue Stuff - Creeper World 3 Video Ryview

Creeper World 3, by Knuckle Cracker.

Watch the video here:

My Recommendation: I hightly recommend this game to pretty much everyone. However, if the price gives you sticker shock, play Creeper World 3: Abraxis, the free flash demo for it. If you like that, then buy the full game.

Read the review below:

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Watch Robots Do Stuff - Robots Initiate Work Sequence Video RyPlay

Hi Everybody!

In my Video RyPlays, I'll be playing through and sharing some of my early impressions.

And contrary to the grammatical and spelling rules I previously set up, this is not a Re-play. It's like a Let's Play, but it's a RyPlay. It makes sense if you don't think about it...

Robots Initiate Work Sequence, by Ted Yan.

Watch the video here:

Until next time,


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

What I'm Still Playing - Ryviews Ryport

In my "What I'm Still Playing" series, I'll be looking at games that have held my attention far longer than most. For the most part, these will probably be games I previously ryviewed and decided to keep playing, long after it was necessary or even possibly intelligent to do so.

So, here's what I'm still playing: