Monday, December 15, 2014

A Slow Moving Cop Sleuths on a Train - The Raven: Legacy of a Master Thief - First Impressions Freebie Ryview

The Raven: Legacy of a Master Thief, by Nordic Games.

It is available via Xbox 360 Games with Gold until December 15th, 2014 (that's today!).


If you're a fan of point and click adventure, or if you're really into mystery, this is probably a game for you and I recommend you download it while you can today. For the rest of you, I'd say wait a day and download SSX, which will hopefully offer some nice sports action.

The Raven: Legacy of a Master Thief is a point and click style mystery game where you're tasked with solving a mystery while controlling a slow moving, large policeman. While it is point and click style as far as your investigation, you actually do fully control the cop's movements, so it's not actually point and click in the strictest sense.

I haven't had much time to really dig into it, so I'm giving my first impressions of the game.

For starters, the intro is far too long. It might have been because I was already pressed for time trying to play the game, but wow did it take a long time for me to do anything. First there's a heist, then there's a train sequence where I can start asking some questions to a punk kid and some snooty old inspector. But it takes forever before I'm able to get up, move around, and start looking into the actual case.

Seriously, how was "Punch in face" not an option? [2]

From there, it seems quite slow moving. Maybe I'm just not a fan of the genre, but the pace is very slow. You have to ask questions, ranging from "possibly relevant" to "Who in their right mind would consider asking that question".

However, I will say, based on the direction it was going in Act 1 (of 3), I do think that the mystery they're crafting will be fairly satisfying if you can slog through to solve it. But if you're an action gamer like I am, still fresh off of Super Smash and Destiny, this will probably seem like a chore to play.

Why can't he be here to get his face punched? [3]

If you're a fan of point and click adventure, or if you're really into mystery, this is probably a game for you and I recommend you download it while you can today. For the rest of you, I'd say wait a day and download SSX, which will hopefully offer some nice sports action.

Until next time,


Images courtesy of Wikipedia except where sourced


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