Forever Evil is one of the expansions for DC Deckbuilding. It flips everything on its head, putting the players in the shoes of the Supervillains as they work to take down the superheroes (who, by the way, are huge dicks in this game).
The gameplay is essentially the same in that it follows the same mechanic (and can be combined with the main game), although the make up of this deck and the nature of the Supervillain perks creates a very different strategy and pace for the game.
This deck is primarily focused on destroying cards and gaining victory point tokens. There are also a few cards that expressly want you to have a very powerful, small deck. While such a strategy existed in the first game, it was much harder to achieve. In this, with so many cards that let you destroy other cards, your deck quickly fills with action cards that have little to no power.
Firestorm - Because why the fuck not?[2]
When improperly managed (i.e. when the game is played like the base deck), it sloths forward and the game takes forever. However, once you embrace the new strategy, it's actually a fairly cool spin on the concept. Once you eliminate all your good cards, you can have truly spectacular rounds with relatively few cards, especially if you destroy all your starters and then all your lower level destroy cards, until you're left with nothing but power cards.
It's not for everyone though. This game, due to the destruction, involves a lot of really mean and/or friendship ruining cards. It also introduces several attacks that target a single foe (at the discretion of the player). And lots of those involve player choice over what you're destroying or removing from your foe. Really mean, and usually it will result in something being thrown in your general direction.
Attack: + 2 Power and choose a foe. Punch that foe in the face. [3]
I would say it's a fresh spin on the DC deckbuilding world, and it's fun to have in the set, but as a stand alone game you really have to view it as a separate entity if you want to enjoy it (and you can't be afraid to screw over your opponents). As a mixed game, it functions well as a "good vs evil" mechanic, which is actually listed as a variant in the manual, or it can be good to liven up any deck with the added cards. The only problem with mixing the decks is trying to rebalance, which is definitely a challenge (although not impossible).
I recommend it to fans of deckbuilders, although strictly speaking I would definitely say this is mostly for fans of the base version of DC deckbuilding. If you're wanting to jump right in with this one, it'll be a steep learning curve. I'd definitely say you should play the base deck and then try this out, whether as a standalone or an expansion.
Until next time,
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