Thursday, October 29, 2015

Gemcraft Chapter 2: Field X05 Walkthrough

Hi Everybody!

As I describe in the video, it's been awhile since I last played Gemcraft. But I figured it was high time (and low time, leave no time behind) that I went back to it.

So, here's my walkthrough of the last plot level, Field X05.

Please excuse my frequent use of the word "Dude".

It's been awhile...

Monday, October 26, 2015

As Heard By Cortana #3

Hi Everybody!

As part of my commentary lifestyle, I usually have a microphone plugged into my computer.

This sometimes means that Cortana hears things I say to my significant other that she thinks are intended for her.
? [1]

As so, I present:

As Heard by Cortana #3

Sunday, October 25, 2015

As Heard By Cortana #2

Hi Everybody!

As part of my commentary lifestyle, I usually have a microphone plugged into my computer.

This sometimes means that Cortana hears things I say to my significant other that she thinks are intended for her.

As so, I present:

As Heard by Cortana #2

Monday, October 19, 2015

As Heard By Cortana #1

Hi Everybody!

As part of my commentary lifestyle, I usually have a microphone plugged into my computer.

This sometimes means that Cortana hears things I say to my significant other that she thinks are intended for her.

As so, I present:

As Heard by Cortana #1

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Gotham - "The Last Laugh" Discussion (Full of Spoilers...Seriously)

Gotham recently started its second season, and I just watched episode 3, titled "The Last Laugh" (I'm a week behind on Hulu, so shoot me...)

I have opinions about it.

Spoilers ahead.

Like, serious spoilers.

Although, the internet probably already spoiled some or all of it.

But still.

You've been warned.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Hands On With The Star Wars: Battlefront Beta

Star Wars: Battlefront Beta, by DICE.

I've had the pleasure of playing the Star Wars: Battlefront Beta over the course of the past few days, and I must say, it's pretty damn cool. However, there are definitely a more than a few issues that may prevent me from logging the stupidly large amount of hours that I devoted to Battlefront 2.

Friday, October 9, 2015

The Plot of Fantastic Four 2 (The Sequel to the new one, not that Silver Surfer nonsense)

Hi Everybody!

Earlier this year I published my proposed plot for Transformers 5.

While I have yet to receive my check from Michael Bay, I thought I'd throw my hat into the ring once more to describe what will happen in another inevitable sequel:

Fantastic Four 2: Fox Wants To Keep The Rights.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Ryviews, Or Lack Thereof

Hi Everybody!

I'm rather busy with work right now, so my posts will be a little scant for the next 2 weeks.

In the meantime, play some Crusaders of the Lost Idols (a great idle game (or idol game, if you're into puns)).

Saturday, October 3, 2015

A Subscription Based Game Masquerading As DLC - Destiny: The Taken King

Destiny: The Taken King, by Bungie.

For those of you who aren't aware, the fairly popular life-absorber Destiny recently released a new piece of DLC called "The Taken King." It was offered for $40 if you already own all the previous content (which would have cost you the base game price plus at least $35 for both DLCs), or $60 for everything included. Pretty sweet deal to jump in.

And if you were doing that, then it would be a great, very long game with a whole lot of content. However, if you're someone who, back in the day, bought the Dark Below DLC so you could play the extra stuff and enjoy the Knights of Crota, you're screwed. Or, similarly, if you purchased The House of Wolves DLC and wanted to actually fight wolves while patrolling, you're out of luck.