Thursday, August 18, 2016

Deals of the Week! - 8/18/16

Hi Everybody!

It appears that my deals article from last week has been lost to the seas of time... Not sure why, not sure what God I angered, but I'll try not to do it again, I guess...

Who wants to save some moolah? (money...I mean money)

Here are the deals for August 18th, 2016:

The Survive This Bundle is still going on for a few more days! Buy it while it's hot!

And there's also a new Humble Indie Bundle (17)! This features such gems as Super Time Force Ultra (which is a pretty fun, albeit odd game) and Octodad: Dadliest Catch (which wins points for puns).

The premise for this games confuses me...[2]

For Games with Gold, WWE 2K16 is now available for the Xbox One. And for the 360, Beyond Good and Evil: HD! And you know me...any game with a pig on the cover has my seal of approval...

Seriously, how could this game not be awesome?[3]

Deals with Gold this week is dominated by Battlefield, with some FIFA and GTA V thrown in for fun.


Amazon has some nice daily deals for gaming headsets and mice (mouses?), so check that out if you're into that sort of thing.

So is it made out of turtles, or beaches?[5]

Save some money!

Until next time,


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