Yes, Ryvised seemed like to weird of a word to put in a title. Who know?
At any rate, you may have noticed that I've missed a few articles in the past several days. Most of that was unintentional, but yesterday I realized that the What Am I Playing Ryght Now? article was pretty much the same from week to week. So I'm making the following edits to my planned Ryviews Schedule:
Given that this is a review website (technically it's a ryview website, but once again, clarity is important), I'd like to try to have a bit more of that. So, I will make sure I always (always being a non-binding term, but more of a stretch goal) have at least one game ryview every week, and usually more than that. So Monday will be part of that usually more portion. It may also have some random stuff. And it may sometimes be What Am I Playing, but not every week.
Tuesdays: YouTube something
No chances. I'm hoping to bump YouTube up to twice a week at some point, but no idea when, so if you're holding your breath until then, make sure you have some good lung capacity.
Wednesdays: Random Ryview
Game Ryview, in case that wasn't clear.
Thursdays: Deals of the Week
Now, I know I've done this before (and again, and again), where I'm like "Hey guys, let's make this happen again!" and then I never do.
Just like the last schedule I sent out a few weeks ago.
Well, I got 2 weeks straight. At least that's something.
I'm still trying for this. I want to make it work. Family, work, friends; those are all just roadblocks on the path to Deals!
Weekends: Wildcard!!1!
Friday through Sunday, I'll try to have another article. This may be an optional wildcard or free day though, because it's tough for me to churn one out on Friday. I'm guessing this will be a "hey, did more than 5 people read my blog this week? Maybe I should post something else" kind of article.
Let me know what you think (or don't. Screw you).
Until next time,
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